Meschke LL, Bartholomae A great and you will Zentall SR, Adolescent sex and you can mother or father-adolescent processes: promoting match teen solutions, Relatives, 2000, 49(2):143–154

Meschke LL, Bartholomae A great and you will Zentall SR, Adolescent sex and you can mother or father-adolescent processes: promoting match teen solutions, Relatives, 2000, 49(2):143–154 62. Suinn R and you may Ahuna C, The Suinn-Lew Far eastern Thinking-Term Acculturation Size: concurrent and you will factorial recognition, Academic and you can Mental Measurement, 1992, 52(4):1041–1046. …

Meschke LL, Bartholomae A great and you will Zentall SR, Adolescent sex and you can mother or father-adolescent processes: promoting match teen solutions, Relatives, 2000, 49(2):143–154 Leer más »